About the hotel

Montra Hotel Sabro Kro

Stay at a hotel near Aarhus

Sabro Kro is a four-star hotel near Aarhus offering events, stays and a restaurant in luxurious surroundings. Located only 15 km from the centre of Aarhus in the little town of Sabro, Sabro Kro is the perfect hotel around Aarhus if you’re looking for a stay with luxury, calm surroundings and nature close by.

Staying with us gives you access to our modern and well-equipped fitness room. Here you’ll find all you need for both strength and cardio training.

As a bonus, you get the full experience of the rural surroundings in the Aarhus region as well as having the buzzing city centre of Aarhus close by when you stay at our hotel. You’re only a short distance from some of the amazing attractions like ARoS, Tivoli Friheden, Den Gamle By and Randers Regnskov. We also regularly have events at the hotel where you can sing, dance and have a great time.

Sabro Kro is a great choice for business as well as pleasure with the hotel being close to highway E45 and cities such as Aarhus, Skanderborg, Silkeborg and Randers.

Montra Hotel Sabro Kro

Our hotel is nicely decorated and designed with cozy areas for any occasion. Our restaurant serves good food, and you sleep in quality beds in beautiful rooms. We have plenty of means to entertain our guests, big and small, from billiards to table tennis and a playground outside the hotel.

Montra Hotel Sabro kro

Use the directions on this page to find your way to Sabro Kro. We have made directions for you to find your way to our lovely hotel, and you can find our contact information to get in touch with us by phone or email.

Montra Hotels


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