Dine with a nature view

Montra Hotel Hanstholm

The restaurant at Hotel Hanstholm

The restaurant at Montra Hotel Hanstholm is well-known for good food around the area. The kitchen cooks delicious meals served in our restaurant with a great view to some of the beautiful nature just outside the windows.

Our restaurant changes its menu to follow the ingredients that are in season and often have delicious fresh fish on offer, seeing as we hail from a town with proud fishing traditions. We focus on good food in the form of many Danish classics, but we also allow ourselves to experiment a little and come up with fresh takes and exciting dishes.

We pick a new menu regularly to follow the ingredients that are in season, and you can always call us at 97 96 10 44 to hear what we offer today.

The restaurants opening hours

The restaurant is open from 5 PM to 9 PM.

On sundays, the restaurant is open from 5 PM to 8 PM.

Book a table via phoning 97 96 10 44.

Montra Hotels


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